
A-Rok's Favorites

KaroshiKazuya Speaking of doodling anime girls, here's an old art piece I'd like to share;… 08:20 PM Feb 27th, 2023 from web
KaroshiKazuya @mariteaux And they try to hide that by saying "uh, no, I just like this 'cringe' thing IRONICALLY!" 08:19 PM Feb 27th, 2023 from web in reply to mariteaux
KaroshiKazuya Doodling crappy anime girls and cool looking fantasy swords is still fuckin' fun though sometimes, I won't lie. 08:18 PM Feb 27th, 2023 from web
mariteaux I love how many people go "cringe culture is dead!!!" and are still deathly afraid of being called cringe. Tiny baby men, sorry to say. 08:17 PM Feb 27th, 2023 from web
mariteaux @tai7k I feel bad. I feel like the best artists come from being 14 and drawing awful Pokemon and Neopets because you adore it. That's gone. 08:11 PM Feb 27th, 2023 from web in reply to KaroshiKazuya
mariteaux If you create an internet about ad revenue, clicks, making a living--CO-OPTING HOBBIES WITH MONEY--kids will copy that. And it's your fault. 08:09 PM Feb 27th, 2023 from web
mariteaux I think everyone else is looking down on the kids, so I'll say one other thing. Kids are impressionable. They copy bad environments. 08:09 PM Feb 27th, 2023 from web
KaroshiKazuya @mariteaux And that's perfectly fine! I still think it's absurd that anyone gets into art TO make money and not because they love art. 08:04 PM Feb 27th, 2023 from web in reply to mariteaux
mariteaux Other caveats: am not a commie pinko loser. Money is great. I am a full-throated capitalist. The arts are a personal pursuit though. 08:04 PM Feb 27th, 2023 from web
mariteaux @tai7k Yes! They can barely draw dogs and they're already worried they don't have an audience and no one likes them. Thanks, money! 07:59 PM Feb 27th, 2023 from web in reply to KaroshiKazuya
mariteaux Creators need time to incubate. Meanwhile, I've seen firsthand little kids who want to become famous let's players at age 10. It's joyless. 07:58 PM Feb 27th, 2023 from web
mariteaux @tai7k We have probably lost thousands of teenagers to the hole of trying to gain an audience for their art and doing commissions at 14. 07:57 PM Feb 27th, 2023 from web in reply to KaroshiKazuya
mariteaux Money sucks the joy out of every single hobby. It sucked it out of the internet, it sucked it out of gaming, and it sucked it out of art. 07:54 PM Feb 27th, 2023 from web
mariteaux My opinions on hobbies being turned into ways to make money are too long winded to get into here, but uh, in short, fuck that. I despise it. 07:53 PM Feb 27th, 2023 from web
mariteaux But no I'm on a sabbatical from drinking to reduce my tolerance and dependency on it a bit and it suuuuuucks working around alcohol all day. 02:23 AM Feb 27th, 2023 from web
jacob @Vixen80 a single glance at the retro achievements homepage would answer all your questions. do better. 03:33 PM Feb 26th, 2023 from web in reply to Vixen80
mariteaux Mastered the Tetrix DX GBC set on RetroAchievements, having started it over a year ago and thinking I'd never master it. How's your night? 07:35 AM Feb 26th, 2023 from web
addyallure @mariteaux ur right. maybe i should just ignore all the negatively i constantly c in the media and just focus on more positive things. 11:22 PM Feb 25th, 2023 from web in reply to mariteaux
jacob @flash We've been over this. Do what your heart desires. Approval addiction is no joke. 10:34 PM Feb 25th, 2023 from web
mariteaux Honestly, be like Jake. He just shows up to work on the site and post about eating bagels. I dig that. 09:26 PM Feb 25th, 2023 from web

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