

Samuel Petersen

listing to "Killers On The Loose - Temple Of Boom" sad how all the good music is the most underrated. the most popular music is not my thing 01:36 AM Jul 5th, 2023 from web
@Cazzy Yes indeed. Normal is boring. 01:32 AM Jul 3rd, 2023 from web in reply to Cazzy
people telling me to "get a life" because I would like a girlfriend who would play Mylar Balloons with me. no I don't want to be "normal" 10:48 PM Jul 2nd, 2023 from web
@Cazzy last time I saw Frutina slush ice was in 2005/2006 its been gone for almost 20 years. 02:11 AM Jul 2nd, 2023 from web in reply to Cazzy
@Cazzy I have bought many of my Mylar Balloons from UK and USA. 02:09 AM Jul 2nd, 2023 from web in reply to Cazzy
@Cazzy do you remember a slush ice brand called Frutina? I found out it was a UK brand. I remember having it in the early 2000s. 12:09 AM Jul 2nd, 2023 from web in reply to Cazzy
@Cazzy I was in the UK in 2011 and I liked it better than Denmark I found it more interesting and Yes I know buying UK soda is cheaper in UK 12:07 AM Jul 2nd, 2023 from web in reply to Cazzy
@Cazzy Denmark is boring when it comes to Mylar Balloons. not many places sales them here and everything is expensive here. 12:06 AM Jul 2nd, 2023 from web in reply to Cazzy
@Cazzy Irn-Bru Xtra cost 2 GBP for one can here in Denmark they import it from the UK. the website I'm looking at says it contain aspartame. 11:14 PM Jul 1st, 2023 from web in reply to Cazzy
@Cazzy I have had Irn-Bru before I used to like it when it had sugar in it last time I saw it in a store it was full of diet stuff. 10:36 PM Jul 1st, 2023 from web in reply to Cazzy
@Cazzy we sadly no longer have Pizza Hut it was here back in the 00s. 10:32 PM Jul 1st, 2023 from web in reply to Cazzy
its way too cold and does not feel like summer. Denmark too cold for me. 10:29 PM Jul 1st, 2023 from web
@Cazzy I'd like to see the Mylar Balloon. if you can send me a picture or something when you have time. 12:59 AM Jun 30th, 2023 from web in reply to Cazzy
No, I'm NOT a reseller, my Mylar Balloons are NOT for sale. 11:50 PM Jun 29th, 2023 from web
listing to Milton Jackson - In the Mood from 2002. such a classic 01:22 AM Jun 29th, 2023 from web
I highly recommend Babyliss PRO FoilFX02 shaver, it gives me a smooth head and a nice clean shaved face. 11:56 PM Jun 28th, 2023 from web
@Cazzy I was 18 when Windows 7 came out. 11:54 AM Jun 27th, 2023 from web in reply to Cazzy
@Cazzy I had graduated school by the time Windows 7 came out. I never went to college. 01:37 AM Jun 27th, 2023 from web in reply to Cazzy

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