

christon mylastname

@nick200s sick nickelodeon profile picture! 03:34 AM Sep 25th, 2023 from web
@runningman i have tomorrow off, some jewish holiday or smth. 03:21 AM Sep 25th, 2023 from web in reply to runningman
@WindowsChris yeah, im wondering that too. 01:54 AM Sep 25th, 2023 from web in reply to WindowsChris
i love this website and i love kamtape :3 01:40 AM Sep 25th, 2023 from web
the bird isnt here! 12:05 AM Sep 25th, 2023 from web
i got a girlfwiend today :3 09:20 PM Sep 24th, 2023 from web
is that another bot i see??? 09:11 PM Sep 24th, 2023 from web
i got a screenshot of the spamming 09:08 PM Sep 24th, 2023 from web
i thought he was talking to me lmao 08:34 PM Sep 24th, 2023 from web
@malik oh yeah, i was accidentally not on public updates lmao 08:34 PM Sep 24th, 2023 from web in reply to Malik
@mraero and why is that? 08:32 PM Sep 24th, 2023 from mobile in reply to mraero
testing blips on my phone. 08:23 PM Sep 24th, 2023 from mobile
I sometimes use bitview, I use snippr, retrobook, and this site. I've had an account on this site for a few weeks but I'm just now using it on a daily basis. 08:14 PM Sep 24th, 2023 from web
@Stoohp wasnt there some sonicfan guy on blips at sometime? 08:08 PM Sep 24th, 2023 from web in reply to Stoohp
@Stoohp ya, but I don't see anyone under 13 really liking sites like this. 08:05 PM Sep 24th, 2023 from web in reply to Stoohp
@Stoohp im old enough to be here lmao 08:03 PM Sep 24th, 2023 from web in reply to Stoohp
a girl in my middle school asked me out today, she seems cool, but I'm just awkward all of the time. 08:02 PM Sep 24th, 2023 from web

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