


@ARok Though only the Dreamcast has the RAW POWER to tell you your combos were "sick", "wack", etc on the VMU. Only 1 does that, not 2 oddly 05:51 AM Mar 3rd, 2023 from web in reply to ARok
@mariteaux PS1 was the only console Neversoft touched in that gen anyway (besides one Saturn game), the ports were handled by other devs 05:50 AM Mar 3rd, 2023 from web in reply to mariteaux
@dotcomboom Thrillville rules. Check out TV: Off the Rails too, it's like a standalone expansion pack. Usagiville is KAWAII AS FUCK 05:41 AM Mar 3rd, 2023 from web
For multiplats, PS2 has best controller, XB has best performance/graphics, GC has best... uh... guest characters in EA games 05:38 AM Mar 3rd, 2023 from web
I've got a modded PS2-compatible PS3, modded GC-compatible Wii, & modded OG Xbox. I'm all set for 6th gen besides DC. Might get one someday 05:28 AM Mar 3rd, 2023 from web
@S I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-kiri Rock. 61! 03:50 AM Mar 3rd, 2023 from web
@ARok Hey guys, I'm back. I'm fine now. I just had to press Select and I was warped back onto the course with all my bones mended :) 01:02 AM Mar 3rd, 2023 from web in reply to ARok
We regret to inform you something terrible has happened to A-Rok. 01:54 AM Mar 2nd, 2023 from web
Cuz of that hysteria even some not in it for $ think they can't upload a vid AT ALL if it has copyrighted music. Just don't monetize it! EZ! 05:49 AM Feb 28th, 2023 from web
Hate when I come across an extreme sports game video that has the music muted so the uploader can make a gorillionth of a cent per click 05:44 AM Feb 28th, 2023 from web
People say YT died when this or that happened, but I say it was when it became all about monetization. Making vids for money instead of fun 05:39 AM Feb 28th, 2023 from web
Late to the convo, but when you try to make your hobby into a job, shock of all shocks, your hobby starts FEELING like a job. Ruins it 05:37 AM Feb 28th, 2023 from web
@tai7k Not sure what you mean by cheesy, but it sounds good :) 05:47 AM Feb 27th, 2023 from web in reply to KaroshiKazuya
RA seems very cool but haven't gotten around to setting up account/emu. Will do it sooner or later. Lots of games I like on there 05:22 AM Feb 27th, 2023 from web
And PSP has wifi, could probably upload achievements in realtime, or at least after game from separate software. Like how PS3 syncs trophies 05:19 AM Feb 27th, 2023 from web
PSP has homebrew plugin system, would be gr8 fit. TempAR cheat plugin has realtime mem read/edit, so RA plugin could be made that only reads 05:16 AM Feb 27th, 2023 from web
Hasn't been done but in theory RA could work on later hardware. If it can do mem viewer and i-net someone maybe could code RA plugin on it 05:13 AM Feb 27th, 2023 from web
@mariteaux (18818) Good on you, man. I know you can do it. You can even completely remove it from your life if you try hard. You got this. 05:02 AM Feb 27th, 2023 from web in reply to mariteaux
@ARok I made an ASS out of U and ME 06:23 AM Feb 26th, 2023 from web in reply to ARok
@mariteaux @dotcomboom Ah, I see. I knew that about marf's site but didn't consider the possibility for dcb. Just assumed he forgot to link 06:23 AM Feb 26th, 2023 from web in reply to mariteaux

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