


@dotcomboom Cool pix. FYI, this /pics/ part of your site doesn't seem to be linked to on the front page or the gallery page linked there 03:41 AM Feb 26th, 2023 from web
@tai7k It's probably in reference to this:… though I still don't understand what he's saying 02:52 AM Feb 26th, 2023 from web in reply to KaroshiKazuya
I swear, I have this super power to shift any conversation to the topic of extreme sports games. How do I turn it off??? 01:59 AM Feb 26th, 2023 from web
@ARok Both are great games, but Tony Hawk's American Wasteland feels more like a proper follow-up to Underground 1 in theme 01:57 AM Feb 26th, 2023 from web in reply to ARok
@ARok THUG2 is wacky Jackass adventure w/ Bam Margera + a vague link to UG1 at start. AW has no link but is much more like UG1 thematically 01:55 AM Feb 26th, 2023 from web in reply to ARok
THUG2 is not a true followup to UG1 because it has almost nothing in common with it and discards most of its canon. And I mean that too :) 01:54 AM Feb 26th, 2023 from web
@ARok This blows, but at least I got to play some last week 01:42 AM Feb 26th, 2023 from web in reply to ARok
@ARok Only 2 (incl me) of 7 who signed up for the event showed, not even the guy who planned it showed, & the other guy had tech issues >:( 01:41 AM Feb 26th, 2023 from web in reply to ARok
Gonna be playing some MX vs ATV Unleashed on PS2 online about an hour from now :D 12:05 AM Feb 26th, 2023 from web
I love M*A*S*H, that show rules 11:33 PM Feb 25th, 2023 from web
@addyallure Closest thing I could find to a video clip:… Open S4-7 and Ctrl+F "Souvenirs" 11:32 PM Feb 25th, 2023 from web in reply to addyallure
@addyallure Even when you feel like you can't improve the world, you can always improve yourself and your immediate surroundings. 11:27 PM Feb 25th, 2023 from web in reply to addyallure
@ARok Though I'm sure nobody watching the game at the bar would turn down free tickets... Not the best analogy but you know what I mean 10:45 PM Feb 25th, 2023 from web in reply to ARok
Twitter vs Blips is kinda like going to an NFL game vs watching it on the TV at the local bar. Surrounded by strangers vs tight knit, etc 10:43 PM Feb 25th, 2023 from web
Man, imagine if Twitter had a public TL like here. There's not a screen in existence with a refresh rate fast enough to show every tweet 10:28 PM Feb 25th, 2023 from web
@mariteaux Maldwyn's lookin good, man. The little ties around his ankles are a nice touch 10:21 PM Feb 25th, 2023 from web in reply to mariteaux
As a kid, I never could figure out how to use chopsticks from following those instructions. I just kinda figured it out on my own eventually 10:12 PM Feb 25th, 2023 from web
...That being said, @dotcomboom and @IsOfRealsDhruv 's recent blips reminded me of this old pic:… 10:06 PM Feb 25th, 2023 from web
@mariteaux and the rest know what's up. All the larping gets tiresome. I like this site more for its simplicity, not for "muh nuhstaljuh" 10:05 PM Feb 25th, 2023 from web in reply to mariteaux
@mariteaux But if he did that, you wouldn't be able to point and laugh at the dumbasses who fall for it :) 08:15 PM Feb 25th, 2023 from web in reply to mariteaux

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