


Two or more VaultKid releases were on the way, though I doubt that they'll come out after a few unknown situations in my server. I'm just about to release a compilation of the Love-Struck albums on the Sonic4 Test Records Bandcamp. Stay tuned, and goodbye. 10:04 AM Apr 9th from web
Hey all. The first half of AuralAwfulDanmakuTenFlasksOfSakeAndABatchOfShanghaiDolls is finally complete. We will work on the second half starting from tomorrow, and may luck be on our side because exams are right around the corner. 11:14 PM Mar 17th from web
Back at it again. Exams will start next week, and I'm already as tired as I could be. This month, I'll be working tirelessly with Alice98 to bring over something "new" to the table. After that, I'll dip on a vacation because my contract will expire. 09:39 PM Mar 11th from web
I totally forgot about this website. Right now I'm busy with my exams, but I promise you that we have a lot more to release. And I have a lot of pages to update on the website. So much work to do, but trust me it will all pay off in the end. Bye bye. 08:55 PM Jan 10th from web
Hey all, sorry for the big silence. STALE03 (Off The Charts) is still on hold because I'm waiting for Local Radar's submissions. I'm currently not working on any new releases. 02:05 PM Nov 13th, 2023 from web
I will post a few more videos to my channel soon. my tracks in Off The Charts (STALE03) is complete, but I'm waiting for my friends' submissions for the remaining 3 tracks. Stay tuned everybody, it's going to be crazy. 01:04 PM Nov 5th, 2023 from web
I'm going to do the exact opposite of what I told you on my last post. I'm angry because of my high standards making me unable to create anything new, so I'll be working on a grotesque and untraditional STALE album all by myself. See you when it comes out. 01:36 AM Nov 3rd, 2023 from web
I still feel like I could make even another release as The Protagonist. I don't know why, but I really don't feel like working as "Sonic4" anymore. Can't find an inspiration. I want to bring the glorious days of Sonic4 Test back, though. Who's with me? 10:01 AM Nov 1st, 2023 from web
Hello everyone, this is my first blip. I'm currently staying up and preparing everything. 04:05 AM Oct 31st, 2023 from web

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