


yeeeeah,i just created my own website! 09:00 PM Jul 16th from web
Hello! How ya doing everyone! 08:57 AM Jul 14th from web
I really don't know what to do. Should i replace by images or do animations? 01:33 PM Jul 12th from web
Ah,i wanted to do a megacut of tfe egg hunt + egg hunts on other fros studio places,but my pc deleted some footages! the tfe footages are still on but there's no random obby,hero legacy tycoon and half footage of save christmas tycoon. 01:32 PM Jul 12th from web
noooooo,my scooter... 10:18 PM Jul 10th from web
Check this video out -- crossroads scooter… 10:17 PM Jul 10th from web
Alright i'm back home 06:52 PM Jul 8th from web
No new videos for like 4 days or smth,cuz i'm not at home rn 12:31 PM Jul 5th from web
Rate my new pfp (this is boomlings) 06:29 PM Jul 3rd from web
i'm feeling like i'm talking to myself on this site 07:06 PM Jul 2nd from web
how everyone doing? 11:23 AM Jul 1st from web
Nice job! 05:10 PM Jun 30th from web
Wow,so active chat rn 09:44 PM Jun 29th from web
I'm uploading some my good old videos on BitView! 08:39 AM Jun 29th from web
My UIN is 172-147 06:33 PM Jun 28th from web
Finally! Larga Espera 100% :D (footage: I'm so happy right now!!! 12:52 PM Jun 27th from web
I'm still active here btw 11:25 AM Apr 12th from web
yeeee 10:55 AM Apr 10th from web
Hello everyone! 01:53 PM Apr 8th from web

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