


@Tube Bro posted a virus 💀 11:52 PM Mar 7th, 2024 from web
@gameboy It's probably some sort of temporary token system which expires after a while (probably for security reasons) and logs you out as a result. It would be nice for them to fix it though; bitview had this issue before and fixed it I think. 12:32 AM Nov 25th, 2023 from web in reply to gameboy
@xXSkellyBonesXx It's not unsafe. I use it and never once had any problems. Almost every roblox revival is falsely flagged 11:54 PM Nov 14th, 2023 from web in reply to xXSkellyBonesXx
@WindowsChris Oh wow. I get banning social media, but I feel key logging is a bit too far, don't you think? 04:36 AM Nov 8th, 2023 from web in reply to WindowsChris

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