

Caitlyn Colvin

@koopdawhoop blender is giving me pain. 02:35 PM May 19th from web in reply to koopdawhoop
@jr you know, it kinda makes a lot of sense that you used 4 chan at one point. 01:53 PM May 19th from web
I've been learning blender recently. while im not literally god at it, its surprisingly easier than i have always thought throughout the years. ive already made some cool shit i'd say. 01:45 PM May 19th from web
i got partnered on bitview since i last spoke here, which is neat. also remember nathan's mind? (what a piece of shit that was) i'm doing something big. stay tuned. 04:59 PM May 18th from web
Whats up everyone! i talked to someone and im unbanned from this place now. lotta stuff has changed since i was last active here so i'll prob post about it. 04:57 PM May 18th from web
@parall the people behind this site dont understand that their userbase is the exact kind of people to hate ads and go out of their way to block them. this is going to do nothing but mildly inconvinience us lol 09:04 PM Jan 13th from web in reply to parall
@Thecoolman54 oh thats cool i guess, i could honestly care less if i get banned from this since i usually just go on here once a month to shitpost. also if you get banned for arguing with an admin thats a big sign of a shitty site. 11:46 PM Jan 12th from web
@Thecoolman54 then why were you like "oh sorry ittl never happen again." try to defend the dumb shit you believe in my guy 11:44 PM Jan 12th from web
@hypermug1 honestly im gonna defend retard thats like one of my top favorite words. since i can say the word you cant do shit. ive never understood people who get mad at that word when most arent the supposed target audience its not actually used against 11:38 PM Jan 12th from web in reply to hypermug1
@Thecoolman54 jesus christ what i want to hear about this this is interesting 11:35 PM Jan 12th from web
@vistaaaaa i dont care dont fucking do it 11:33 PM Jan 12th from web in reply to vistaaaaa
@vistaaaaa i will literally fucking explode your house do not do that. 11:32 PM Jan 12th from web in reply to vistaaaaa
@GameSpy wheels name is will yuh 11:25 PM Jan 12th from web in reply to GameSpy
@GameSpy why is will still talking about jew tunnels 11:21 PM Jan 12th from web in reply to GameSpy
@GameSpy kanye west is only for stupids! like hyperdash or some shit 11:18 PM Jan 12th from web in reply to GameSpy
@gameboy i hope you realise the whole point is that they are in the process of growing up thats what being a teenager is my guy 11:14 PM Jan 12th from web in reply to gameboy
@furgotten12 because they are full of little kids and little kids find that hilarious 08:34 PM Jan 12th from web in reply to furgotten12
@juliuscole wtf is tracle julius cole how do you blow up so many hqs just like you did alex 02:23 AM Jan 12th from web in reply to juliuscole
@palacz_ kamtape is alright, i dont know of any others.(plus bitview is full of little kids and retards so i mostly stay clear of it lol) 11:02 PM Jan 7th from web in reply to palacz_

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