


@fivewholeducks Yes! I love the two halves of the site thing. I think when I get it more filled out, it's gonna be something real special. 09:20 PM May 9th, 2023 from web in reply to fivewholeducks
@tai7k That's the aim! A lot more where this came from. 04:14 PM May 9th, 2023 from web in reply to KaroshiKazuya… As promised, the new page is live! Audio nerd stuff and cute animal people--something for everyone! 07:33 AM May 9th, 2023 from web
@AlexTundr4 Lots of site work and drawing! I should have this page live by the end of the night:… 12:47 AM May 9th, 2023 from web
Going through all my old Neocities album reviews and writing some new ones for mari.somnol's relaunch later this year... 01:02 AM May 8th, 2023 from web
@AlexTundr4 Thanks! Very proud of it. 02:19 AM May 7th, 2023 from web
More pages to come--for now, enjoy the BunnySetter: http://cammy.somnolescent.n… 01:58 AM May 7th, 2023 from web The update is FINALLY LIVE! After months of putting it off, the aboveground/underground update is here! 01:57 AM May 7th, 2023 from web
I've got that blog post finished up, working on the last site graphic for cammy.somnol's new layout now. Lots going on! Good times. 08:53 PM May 6th, 2023 from web
Today marks Somnolescent's first "quiet server" day--no message posting, just going out and doing stuff and making stuff! 08:52 PM May 6th, 2023 from web… New group blog post! Five fun sights from the Somnolescent Archives you should absolutely go check out. 07:02 PM May 6th, 2023 from web
@KangRoo Thanks! Glad someone's looking at all this art I post--more of her soon! 07:51 AM May 6th, 2023 from web in reply to KangRoo
@cammy I think she'll make a pretty good mascot for an archives redesign I wanna do...sometime this year along with everything else :marf: 07:41 PM May 5th, 2023 from web in reply to cammy… Back on that art thing...kitty librarian girl I'm adopting from Caby! In sorta-watercolor! 07:39 PM May 5th, 2023 from web
@tai7k The correct way to mix drums! 05:33 AM May 5th, 2023 from web in reply to KaroshiKazuya
Always amusing how people's brains shut down seeing the word "trolling". All good comedy gets somebody's goat. Trolling is just more direct. 05:31 AM May 5th, 2023 from web
@rafa That's literally what trolling is. It's being a dickhead to upset people because you find the reaction funny. Everyone's done it. 05:29 AM May 5th, 2023 from web
ED has an entire page where it shows you increasingly horrific shit the further down you scroll. It's not meant to be taken seriously. 05:26 AM May 5th, 2023 from web
@PwnageMachine I'm amused at the idea that the issue with ED is that it's outdated and not that it's a troll site designed to upset people. 05:23 AM May 5th, 2023 from web in reply to PwnageMachine
FINALLY finished backing up the Somnolescent Discord. ~40GB in total, 150 channel files, including threads. CHRIST we need to clean up. 04:04 PM May 4th, 2023 from web

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