


Frankly, if I just stopped showing up, I'd only lose $300 or so from my old quit date. Spare change for weekly pay. Not worth it for abuse. 01:48 AM May 4th, 2023 from web
Walked out of work early. Customer had the gall to ask "what would be done about" me. So I said I'd show him and punched out. Gottem. 01:46 AM May 4th, 2023 from web
@Tails I do this with http://archives.somnolescen… when I'm restoring websites. wget and adding id_ to the timestamp, name a better pair 05:50 PM May 2nd, 2023 from web
Whoops I invited friends into Somnolescent to become Somnolians 06:51 AM May 2nd, 2023 from web
@KangRoo Naming your state is not a dox. Dox is home addresses, phone numbers, private emails, or real names. 04:45 AM May 2nd, 2023 from web in reply to KangRoo
@KangRoo The Somnolians do not want your dox, it must be said in an official context. 04:16 AM May 2nd, 2023 from web in reply to KangRoo
The month dawns. 16 days until the trip to Wales. 12 days until I'm done at my job. Life is about to get mighty surreal. 01:58 PM May 1st, 2023 from web
@jacob I was gonna put in my two weeks like a month ago mostly because I wanted some time off to just make stuff all day. It's important. 05:19 PM Apr 30th, 2023 from web in reply to jacob
@jacob I put in my two weeks today. Got a half hour long talking to for refusing to serve a customer who harasses me biweekly. No thanks. 04:22 AM Apr 30th, 2023 from web in reply to jacob
@KangRoo Thank you! Really proud of that pose. This one's going on a page about techy stuff, so the cute lads should help balance it out. 06:32 PM Apr 29th, 2023 from web in reply to KangRoo
@Vixen80 That was one of Caby's influences making the Gamedachi! 04:38 AM Apr 29th, 2023 from web in reply to Vixen80… Will go on this page when I bring it back, since I did it with a robot listening buddy! 04:29 AM Apr 29th, 2023 from web… Pretty traditional I draw during Friday calls--attempt at @caby's Gamedachi closed species! 04:26 AM Apr 29th, 2023 from web
@Marcus I so want a bass. I'd have to string it upside down because I'm left-handed, but it's a drumkit on strings. That's amazing. 02:47 AM Apr 29th, 2023 from web in reply to Marcus
Shoutout to @jacob for restoring @mariteaux. Not gonna use that account again or anything but I am unreasonably happy it exists again. 02:20 AM Apr 29th, 2023 from web
(My favorite story from that site is when some girl listened to Michael discuss subroutines all evening just so he'd ask her out :omegalul:) 06:46 PM Apr 27th, 2023 from web… Doing some old site restoration! If low-level 3D graphics are your thing, give this a read, it's fun. 06:45 PM Apr 27th, 2023 from web
@cammy Having a lot of fun with the color temps in this level - warm inside, chilly outside. Anyone up for Quake DM when this is done? 07:41 AM Apr 27th, 2023 from web in reply to cammy
I decided to fog up this level a bit and goddamn fog just makes everything better. In art and in level design, add fog. You'll thank me. 06:04 AM Apr 27th, 2023 from web

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