


I went and saw him and we saw his dogs <3 he’d make such a good dad someday 05:56 AM Dec 15th from web
@ericahart same with Instagram. I tried making a revival out of it with blogspot, but I abandoned the project. 01:36 AM Dec 15th from web in reply to EricaHart
@r4zberii I just saw the Christmas lights a couple weeks ago! :D 01:35 AM Dec 15th from web in reply to r4zberii
RT: i wanna steal the mona lisa >:P @Ratts2474 10:09 PM Dec 14th from web
Yuup, that settles it. ITS THE DAAAAY OF HIM AND IIIIII ;D 10:08 PM Dec 14th from web
so yes, I do have the pictures from last night :) my friends have it all on their file since I was too busy having fuun. I’ll ask em for the pics today after my bf and i’s date :D 10:07 PM Dec 14th from web
my phone smells like alcohol 08:10 PM Dec 14th from web
Am I really the only one here who likes Rebecca Black’s song Friday? Just me? Ok. I think another song of her’s is better than Friday tho. 12:13 AM Dec 14th from web
Anyone else excited for 2009? I know I am. 12:10 AM Dec 14th from web
@wizz coc what now? 0_o 12:08 AM Dec 14th from web in reply to wizz
Remember why Remember why? I cannot remember why. 12:07 AM Dec 14th from web
eh, I’ll study tomorrow I guess. I have a huge party today (I’ll take pics of course don’t you worry!) and I just got dressed for it, but idk what to do with my hair =( 11:44 PM Dec 13th from web
@VMwaredsinister I have 2 more things to study for today, I really don’t like studying =^ 07:37 PM Dec 13th from web in reply to VMWaredSinister
Party today!!! Will definitely try to post pictures this time =) Don’t know what to wear tho….have to finish HW…ughh 07:19 PM Dec 13th from web
1 DAY TIL I SEE MY ONE AND ONLY <3 07:16 PM Dec 13th from web
@sofiaflorina yes, I just haven’t used it in awhile. The power went out?? That sucks :( 06:54 PM Dec 13th from web in reply to sofiaflorina
@forever sometimes it does come back, it just depends on what it is 08:51 AM Dec 13th from web in reply to forever
adeeeeeele. 08:04 AM Dec 13th from web

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