

Solvalou Syanide

Dni this is the 4th time this month I’ve stubbed my toe. THE SAME ONEEE. *drops down to the ground and writhes in pain silently* about 4 hours ago from web
can we pls bring back those hoodies from like the early 2000s that were zip up + had animal print on them? I can’t find any of those anywhere nowadays :( 05:20 PM Jul 25th from web
Throwback to the time I wrote a 10 page essay WITH CITATIONS that Luigi is better than Mario 💀 05:33 PM Jul 24th from web
The only one of my socials not currently being stalked 😁😁😁 might become more active here idk. hope all of u guys are doing ok :D 01:14 AM Jul 24th from web
you know there’s an issue when ur laptop is too old to connect 2 a fucking WIFI. I srsly need a new laptop bru.. 05:51 PM Jul 18th from web
😒😒still mad ab next gen Pokémon….we need forever ten-year-old ash ketchup back🗣️🔥 08:35 PM Jul 17th from web
@Moonlight3421 congrats!! 🥳🥳🥳 08:34 PM Jul 17th from web in reply to Moonlight3421
me when its like 32 outside but i want to wear leggings: 💃🕺...☀️😢😵...🧚‍♂️✨ [ i smell like sweat and monster] 10:16 PM Jul 16th from web
solvalou setting boundaries real?!! [2 years late?!!??] woah!!! anyways yes i forgot blips existed for a sec what have i missed [literally nothing probably] 02:12 AM Jul 15th from web
@palacz_ :((( im sorry dude <33 u deserve bettr >:/ 02:09 AM Jul 15th from web in reply to palacz_
“What are you doing” >staring into space with a can of energy drink and cold pizza in a giant dining hall as people pass by me and wonder how I got accepted here< 06:59 PM Jul 11th from web
who needs diuretics when you have monster energy 😋😋 it literally does the same thing (for me at least lmao) /joke; take ur meds guys 08:18 PM Jul 10th from web
why is the dorito taste still in mah mouth … this is evil :( 06:58 AM Jul 10th from web
spacehey dont leak random ppls IPs challenge: status: failed [bro why cant spachey b normal; just bc its some "random mcdonalds person" doesnt mean its any less threatening 2 whoever was doxxed. 12:06 AM Jul 10th from web
I am this close to blocking all my irl friends from discord. Or altogether deleting the account. Idk if I should do it, but they make me feel terrible and I don’t feel like I can be myself around them. 12:56 AM Jul 9th from web
this mailbox is mine. And this triagonal sign. That blue balloon, the month of June, they’re mine mine mine mine mine 12:52 AM Jul 6th from web
I want to be drawing for artfight rn but STOOPID SUMMER WORK. UGHHHH 09:38 PM Jul 3rd from web
@palacz_ YOOO WHATS UR USER SO I CAN FOLLOW U ^_^ 09:37 PM Jul 3rd from web in reply to palacz_
Oh my god Disney. WHY DID YOU END MILO MURPHY AND PHINEAS AND FERB. They could have done SO MUCH with all the crossover episodes…I am gen pissed about this. two of my favourite shows are gone forever 😖😖 05:36 PM Jul 2nd from web
Brain empty . Nothing but nyan cat 09:39 PM Jun 30th from web

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