

Marcus Cool Last Name

@zeek i have friday off so I have a 3 day weekend, i deserve this since this week has been SO slow 04:52 PM Mar 6th from web
@zeek sometimes i use & 02:28 AM Mar 6th from web
@zeek #stopgingerhate 07:23 PM Mar 5th from web
have you ever wanted to use someone elses pfp but don't want to change it on other platforms because someone you know is also using it 05:19 PM Mar 5th from web
i made a userstyle for AOTY that unrounds profile pictures and artist pictures!… 04:34 PM Mar 5th from web
@Fennec There's barely anyone here that's from or around your time zone, which explains why it's pretty quiet once you get on. We're all sleeping! 03:35 PM Mar 5th from web in reply to Fennec
@shawnsters you're a legend for using MS paint and WMM out of all things, i've used WMM for a few of my school projects but never have I used MS paint for it 09:16 PM Mar 4th from web
"(I Must Be A Proctologist Because) All I Do is Deal With Assholes" has to be the greatest song title to exist 04:18 PM Mar 4th from web
@zeek your python teacher is always talking about crazy shit 03:44 PM Mar 4th from web
i love sleeping in on cold gloomy days when the meteorologists lie about it being a warm sunny day 08:20 PM Mar 3rd from web
getting a chapterhouse pearl EP vinyl record in the mail soon 07:41 AM Mar 3rd from web
I poured my blood into the sound / But what if my blood isn't good enough to sell? 06:24 AM Mar 3rd from web
i think i was verified on there too, idr how 04:47 AM Mar 3rd from web
@milk LMFAO that video is amazing 04:47 AM Mar 3rd from web in reply to milk
@milk i remember bwitter, but i don't think i remember seeing you there 04:27 AM Mar 3rd from web in reply to milk
@milk nice to see a fellow blips OG check in after a loooong time! 02:43 AM Mar 3rd from mobile in reply to milk
I had a dream where some dumbass bumped into the back of my electric bike and I flew off through the windows of a local thrift store 03:49 PM Mar 2nd from mobile
Made a short video using an iPhone 3G, might edit it later 01:34 AM Mar 2nd from mobile
drum-guitar-horn-bass-organ–drum GO! 09:06 PM Mar 1st from web
@zeek no 08:42 PM Mar 1st from web

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