


went to the market with my friend this morning :3 i appreciated the outing bc i needed to get things off my mind today. 08:07 PM Sep 7th from web
i'm starting to wonder if i'm too old to be on oic sites. i enjoy them as throwbacks to the internet i grew up with and enjoy(ed) more than today's internet but i also feel like i shouldn't be around if most other users are like 14 lol 09:07 AM Sep 7th from web
she touch my tralala till i ding ding dong 01:35 PM Sep 5th from web
@zeekzeek my high school experience in a nutshell.mp3 (also lapfox is directly responsible for why i enjoy hardstyle/gabber/happy hardcore so much now) 07:04 AM Sep 4th from web in reply to zeekzeek
well i brought my computer to the infusion clinic intending to work on my recipe directory while i was in the chair but i forgot that i can only type one-handed with an iv in my arm. still beats staring into my phone for 2 hours tho 08:30 PM Sep 3rd from web
@novek reminds me of the time i accidentally wiped the bootloader on one of my phones instead of the os while rooting it and had to frantically go through half of the xda forum to figure out how to reload it 08:28 PM Sep 3rd from web in reply to novek
@zeekzeek dw i'm literally french and i don't believe it's a real language either 08:26 PM Sep 3rd from web in reply to zeekzeek
fun fact: the french term for shitpost is cacaffichage 08:04 PM Sep 3rd from web
@jackipecac i had a similar reaction when i first watched it lmao but once i realised it was meant to be over-the-top then i wasn't as surprised by it. it's one of my fav movies now 05:18 AM Sep 3rd from web in reply to jackipecac
ya boy's on pikidiary too now:… 10:16 PM Sep 2nd from web
making 3 kilos of chashu today. dis gon b gud 10:13 PM Sep 2nd from web
@zeekzeek wow either you were really hungry or i made really good banana bread. either way i hope you enjoyed it 04:32 AM Sep 2nd from web in reply to zeekzeek
@RainVixen802 the lieutenant taught me how to use the internet so i can keep myself entertained during downtime at the gym. now i shitpost in between fighting trainers 04:21 AM Sep 2nd from web in reply to RainVixen802
@zeekzeek sure, i made enough that i can share *slaps a slice of banana bread through my laptop screen* 04:18 AM Sep 2nd from web in reply to zeekzeek
@zeekzeek the inconvenience of vinyl is part of the fun 01:25 AM Sep 2nd from web in reply to zeekzeek
i should bake some banana bread tonight 01:23 AM Sep 2nd from web
@lukaszone it's been down for the last 2 hours for me, but i haven't been online much today so idk when the downtime started 07:03 AM Aug 29th from web in reply to lukaszone
love that blips only ever livens up when owler goes down lol 04:06 AM Aug 26th from web
too busy touching grass while playing pokémon go to post here apparently 07:04 PM Jul 12th from mobile
i guess blips will be more active if/when owler goes down. i still find it funny i started here but ended up on owler more 10:04 PM Jun 11th from mobile

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