

Solvalou Syanide

I wish I could add other graphics into my page sidebar like some blinkies or my art or soemth; my page feels a little empty :’) 05:39 PM Apr 24th from web
@palacz_ ty!! ^_^" [lol u seem pretty cool aswell :D] mainly i see ppl here using bitview a lot so I figured maybe it contributed to ppl being known from across platform but ty for telling me! 03:57 AM Apr 24th from web in reply to palacz_
@Eric8518 dude spacehey has been so dead recently. idk whats going on :/ I have a pretty large friend count, but I see bulletins from an hour ago still up on my feed sometimes.. 03:53 AM Apr 24th from web in reply to Eric8518
i wish i could get verified here but there's not too much activity from users and I haven't made anything on bitview either so like nobody knows me :C 03:30 AM Apr 23rd from web
@palacz_ so real ;_;;; theyre like battery acid covered potato 07:09 PM Apr 22nd from web in reply to palacz_
i dont understand salt + vinegar chips. they make a burning sensation in my throat how do ppl eat an entire big bag of them in one sitting ;0; 05:47 PM Apr 22nd from web
I think gummi bear cotton eye joe predicted “gegagedigedagadao”…or maybe it was the gegagedigedegedao equivalent in my childhood 😭 05:29 AM Apr 22nd from web
I forgot yesterday was community day in Pokémon go and now I’m angy 04:25 PM Apr 21st from web
:C i wish i could have a scene haircut.. my mom is literally against it to a not normal level- like I don't want to dye my hair or anything I JUST WANT A FREAKIN HAIRCUT THAT FRAMES MY FACE ! :C 05:53 PM Apr 20th from web
@derangedmp3 its been ok; im swamped w work tho :') hbu? ^_^ 05:10 PM Apr 18th from web in reply to derangedmp3
i love artificial grape flavouring. call me a psycho all u want, but I could eat those artificial grape candies all day :P 06:10 PM Apr 16th from web
@TheColourOfFear yup. its back n working now tho 06:08 PM Apr 16th from web in reply to TheColourOfFear
Why does spacehey keep getting ddos-ed 05:32 AM Apr 15th from web
god i need to memorise all 3 movements of a concerto in 6 months... I've never played with an orchestra before, nor have I memorised 50 pages of straight music ever... I'm so scared ;v; 03:57 AM Apr 14th from web
does anyone know the secret to falling asleep easier :C I want to sleep but I just cant 03:16 AM Apr 10th from web
omnomnomnom i love cheesecake 05:11 PM Apr 9th from web
why cant people respect that people have varying music taste. if I want to listen to french rap and scene music then let me listen to that. I'm not starting a nuclear war by not listening to Olivia Rodrigo. chill out. /nbh 01:25 AM Apr 5th from web
im having the strangest dreams, but the thing is is that I cant remember them when I wake up. all I know is that it was hella weird 07:55 PM Apr 3rd from web
guys help i just printed my english language + literature essay to one of my neighbours and idk which one. for context, its almost 2 AM. and that essay is about HOMOSEXUALITY and MERCANTILISM IN VICTORIAN ENGLAND. I'm so dead ;0; 01:46 AM Apr 3rd from web
@derangedmp3 :[ hope u feel better now <33 that sux 07:42 PM Apr 2nd from web in reply to derangedmp3

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