
StupidSonic's Favorites

Stoohp halo is the cool 01:35 AM May 30th from web
Stoohp @Quentin now this is what true sigmas watch instead of roblox classic event. this is why roblox 2007 is so fucking stupid. 11:54 PM May 28th from web in reply to Quentin
Spectron24 I'm the first user to upload the entire in-game soundtrack of Tetris Giant (Dekaris in Japan), an arcade game launched by Sega in 2009. Check it out here!… 11:41 AM Apr 17th from web
kittyuzutty uhh, just joined. pretty nice site lol 10:46 PM Apr 5th from web
Spectron24 @Braian_Wincheste Hey Braian! Bienvenido a Blips! :D 02:29 PM Apr 5th from web
ItsDidrick @xeviant I write down my dreams in an app called DreamsDiary as soon as I wake up in the morning so that I don't forget them. Dreams are truly fascinating. 09:40 PM Apr 3rd from web in reply to xeviant
xeviant im having the strangest dreams, but the thing is is that I cant remember them when I wake up. all I know is that it was hella weird 07:55 PM Apr 3rd from web
Quentin @jr Stop Hacking Bitview! All Troll Who Dare Hack My Bitview Will Go To War With Me! 04:27 AM Mar 20th from web
jacob im horny ☹️ 05:53 PM Mar 18th from web
tiger09te the rss reader gadget 4 windows still works!!! I'm using it 4 spacehey recent blog entries and blips updates :3 05:35 PM Mar 17th from web
Marcus unfortunately today marks the day my grandmother’s cat passed away, she lived until nearly 20 and was everything a person could’ve asked for from a cat 01:19 AM Mar 17th from web
tiger09te @StupidGamer well the destruction gos usually attack times square so yea… 06:51 PM Mar 10th from web in reply to StupidGamer
Marcus on twitter you can say “I like cats” and ppl will misinterpret it as “So you hate dogs?” like no bitch that’s an entirely different sentence 05:36 PM Mar 9th from mobile
mraero @tiger09te I find a lot of people in the community rather obnoxious and brash 03:00 AM Mar 8th from web in reply to tiger09te
tiger09te @StupidGamer I have a little appartment near Emerald Coast :D… 07:38 PM Mar 7th from web in reply to StupidGamer
Marcus someone threw a whiteboard marker at the wall and now there's a huge ink splatter on the wall 10:03 PM Mar 6th from web
Marcus "(I Must Be A Proctologist Because) All I Do is Deal With Assholes" has to be the greatest song title to exist 04:18 PM Mar 4th from web
Spectron24 @StupidGamer Happy birthay! :D (late lol) 12:29 PM Mar 4th from web in reply to StupidGamer

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