
abandonware's Favorites

xeviant @palacz_ :((( im sorry dude <33 u deserve bettr >:/ 02:09 AM Jul 15th from web in reply to palacz_
Sea @palacz_ theyre bald thats whats up with them 10:02 PM Jun 24th from web in reply to palacz_
Stoohp @palacz_ yo dude, if you straight up want any game dev tips im here, you can hit me up on discord. its the same as my username on here. 01:29 PM May 22nd from web in reply to palacz_
xeviant @palacz_ real like there’s so many negative posts sometimes here..if someone is being nice just accept it there’s no need to start a fight over a compliment :( 08:20 PM Apr 26th from web in reply to palacz_
xeviant @palacz_ so real ;_;;; theyre like battery acid covered potato 07:09 PM Apr 22nd from web in reply to palacz_
tiger09te @palacz_ u'll get 1 someday. I believe it 11:02 PM Apr 19th from web in reply to palacz_
Marcus @palacz_ I hope the artists playing at that concert make you feel better, after all, hearing the songs live is truly a different experience from hearing it with headphones, or even from vinyl records! 01:08 PM Apr 1st from web in reply to palacz_
vistaaaaa mocne rozkminy macie chlopaki @palacz_ @epicki_ziomek 02:39 PM Feb 28th from web
epicki_ziomek @palacz_ rozumiem, czasem pizza jest najfajnieszą rzeczą kiedykolwiek, ostatnio robiłem pizze z dziewczyną było super, pizza też bywa symbolem upadku, też niedawno jadłem pizze płacząc, bywa różnie 08:38 PM Feb 27th from web in reply to palacz_
fortnite @sex get this goofy verified 06:53 PM Jan 29th from web in reply to sex
Marcus LMAOOOO did i just see a a post that said "today i'm moving into 4th grade" get deleted along with the user that posted it?? 07:53 PM Jan 15th from web
Marcus and shoegaze hits so much harder when you're sick, especially the more ethereal sounding tracks 04:33 PM Dec 8th, 2023 from web
Verty @palacz_ based hollywood undead enjoyer 11:04 PM Dec 3rd, 2023 from web in reply to palacz_
supervisor @palacz_ YES I LOVE THE SPEED IN THE BIGINING 02:01 AM May 15th, 2023 from web in reply to palacz_
aj404 where did the sandwiches go 06:56 PM May 13th, 2023 from web
Marcus @palacz_ congratulations on the first stream and the graduation! 05:10 PM Apr 28th, 2023 from web in reply to palacz_

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