

Ethan Fraser

listening to dido on my ipod classic :D this album (no angel) is so good so far.. 12:05 AM Apr 30th from web
tweeting from the '07 macbook pro again!! :D 11:35 PM Apr 29th from web
oops!!! that's life with a flip phone lol, the screen is so small i didn't even notice XD 11:34 PM Apr 29th from web
@ must not work on mobile.. Maybe i did it wrong? 06:23 PM Apr 29th from mobile
@Koopdawoop i'm lookin great :D 06:11 PM Apr 29th from mobile
tweeting from my newest thrift find, a late-2007 Macbook Pro 15 inch!! scored this fully working (and in amazing condish) mac for $30 :DD 07:40 AM Apr 28th from web
Got Quizno's! So good:D 10:46 PM Apr 27th from mobile
At the doctor! I got a spicy perogy pizza b4 lol 10:46 PM Apr 26th from mobile
Remembering bad party experiences... 10:30 PM Apr 25th from mobile
Feeling way better! I'm still coughing a bit, and i feel a bit weasy, BUT! i'm doin better :D 04:41 AM Apr 25th from mobile
Feelimg a little better after a sparkling ice + caffine :D 01:12 AM Apr 25th from mobile
K im actually sick :( 11:18 PM Apr 24th from mobile
Now i feel like throwing up.. This is awful :( 02:30 AM Apr 24th from mobile
Nvm, extremely tired :( 11:08 PM Apr 23rd from mobile
Feeling somewhat better.. 10:48 PM Apr 23rd from mobile
Tech week also started fine! 07:23 PM Apr 23rd from mobile
Feeling like i got pnemonia again.. This sucks 06:27 PM Apr 23rd from mobile
Tech week starts today! So not excited.. 10:23 PM Apr 22nd from mobile
Getting fish and chips but its taking forever! They're really busy though.. 03:43 AM Apr 20th from mobile
Just did another comp exam, 82 percent! 11:44 PM Apr 15th from mobile

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