genteSinHogar a vuelto, GSH - el funeral inesperado -…
11:52 PM Jul 27th
from web
GSH volverá... algún día. pero no lejano
11:53 PM Jul 24th
from web
it would be fun if someone make a recreation to live stream
07:15 AM Jul 21st
from web
para los que siguen gentesinhogar, video retrasado... de nuevo
12:28 AM Jul 20th
from web
hey question, i count my subscriber and there are 16, but it counter said i have 14, why??
05:27 AM Jul 10th
from web
and also when i import the video, sounds correctly, i dont know why, but its problem of the editor. i cant show how it is but i will try
06:28 AM Jul 5th
from web
i dont know why, and even its not problem of the video. its the editor, and it always happend. can anyone tell me why is happening, or even a "i dont know"
06:25 AM Jul 5th
from web
anyone can help me with this, for some reason. in vegas 10.0, the audio is like... past??. i dont know, but its playing the start of the video, instead of the part were i am.
06:24 AM Jul 5th
from web
para cualquira que sigue a GSH en bit view, tengo que anunciar que el proximo video de GSH se tardara un monton en salir
11:06 PM Jul 2nd
from web
tambien, hay alguien de la comunidad furry... tiene que largarse ahora, aceptamos todo, menos a un posible pederasta. lo siento
03:21 AM Jun 29th
from web
aqui pablo. si alguin de aqui esta esperando un video de gsh, pues llegara muy tarde, ya que formate el pc y perdi el editor, y tambien un video entero... puta madre
03:20 AM Jun 29th
from web
@xXgranfinggXx ps3 fat model no backward compatible, with hen
08:40 PM Jun 15th
from web
in reply to xXgranfinggXx
whats the longest video of bitview???
05:57 AM Jun 11th
from web
hoy beeeh64 consiguió un logro en garrys mod después de 2 años. que puto
11:37 PM Jun 7th
from web
bitview, you did it grate
02:25 AM Jun 4th
from web
@starnetallinone hello, welcome to the hell'nt
06:36 PM May 31st
from web
in reply to starnetallinone… mejor que un video
05:42 AM May 31st
from web