hoy es 8 de marzo... significa 3 cosas, uno feliz dia de la mujer, dos faltan 18 dias para que sea el mejor dia de todo "20 DE MARZOOOOO", y 3... No les molesta que volvamos??... Yo creo que si... nose
11:44 PM Mar 8th
from web
@exclusiveconte2 i dont know you but congrats, god blesed you
11:46 PM Mar 8th
from web
in reply to exclusiveconte2
@forever he- he- he ma-... ha... HAHA... HE MADE GR- GRADUATION... BU- BUT... HE MADE GRADUATION... NO NO... KANYE DIE WHEN DONDA COME OUT... RIGHT??!. YES... Y- YES...
08:27 PM Mar 2nd
from web
right now im hearing kanye west graduation.... I miss him :(
(the best kanye album is donda... please hear it)
04:34 PM Mar 2nd
from web
por la re mil mierda estamos en marzo me quiero dar un tiro en la cabeza ahora
07:41 PM Mar 1st
from web
GSH - Medieval knight is AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON ENGLISH, just go to the original video in spanish and press the green button in the screen so you can watch the version in english : https://www.bitview.net/wat…
11:59 PM Feb 24th
from web
el siguiente video tendrá que ser retrasado por el motivo del doblaje en ingles del video de "caballero medieval". El siguiente video saldrá en marzo... Espero
07:24 PM Feb 24th
from web
finally... GSH - Medieval Knight dubbed in english. the function will be enable some time tomorrow
02:30 AM Feb 24th
from web
as for the blog, the only solution is put the google translate function that has bloggers. This mean that the translation will be fucking ass, Sorry, will find a better way to do it ;(
01:18 AM Feb 22nd
from web
we are planning to dubbed our oldest videos, your add subtitles, lets see what happens. when this function uploads, will show you how to "activate" in our blog
01:08 AM Feb 22nd
from web
which means that you can now enjoy our videos in a pretty decent english (dont blame us, we can barely speak your own language XD)
01:05 AM Feb 22nd
from web
next GSH video will be delay for 2 reasons, 1 to make it better, and 2, from here and now all of our videos will be dubbed to english
01:03 AM Feb 22nd
from web
hace un año alguien subió un capitulo entero de un show mas, alguien mas se dio cuenta??? http://www.bitview.net/watc…
01:07 AM Feb 21st
from web
09:21 PM Feb 20th
from web
is it a good idea to make a movie in bitview???
01:53 AM Feb 13th
from web
@hellofrqn something that kanye dont understand.... i miss the old kanye :(
07:14 PM Feb 11th
from web
in reply to hellofrqn