


i turned up the contrast settings to the maximum on my dark mode extension and i have to admit amoled-styled blips looks hella dope 12:04 AM Aug 23rd from web
@timetheft if you need a therapist just ask me 11:14 AM Aug 21st from web in reply to timetheft
my speedrun got accepted!! less go 05:04 PM Aug 20th from web
Shoutouts to SimpleFlips 01:16 PM Aug 20th from web
@KaiserPug Way better than I could draw. This deserves to be preserved in the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine. 09:57 PM Aug 18th from web in reply to KaiserPug
yo waddup, trying to get my speedrun video uploaded to the internet archive 07:16 PM Aug 18th from web
i found a thing that downloads music at a higher bitrate and all of a sudden i realized i was downloading music at 128 kbps and now have to redownload like 90 music tracks in better quality #fuckmylife 06:17 PM Aug 17th from web
@JohnHorne26 (388886) use and pray it stores the images for a good while. the captcha is broken btw, feel free to ignore it 09:52 PM Aug 11th from web in reply to JohnHorne26
@RainVixen802 (388858) i mean to be fair i do also play solitaire or something else when i have to wait for something to happen so you're not alone here :omegalul: 01:16 PM Aug 11th from web in reply to RainVixen802
moving from a hotel into a multifloor house lowered my laptop usage and slowed down progress on my projects a lot because we were only given 2 small rooms (the entire house is shared with 3 families) & there isnt a consistent surface i can put my laptop on 11:26 AM Aug 10th from web
i probably have the worst theme out of all users here all because i wanted to make a dark theme so my eyes won't hurt during nighttime :omegalul: 08:32 PM Aug 9th from web
@EricaHart Always seem to be governed by this love we have for useless twisting of our new technology oh, now there is no sound for we all live underground. And I'm thinkin' what a mess we're in, hard to know where to begin /lyr 06:42 PM Aug 9th from web in reply to EricaHart
@RainVixen802 how many retro-yt based sites even are there? 05:28 PM Aug 8th from web in reply to RainVixen802
(continuation to status 388678) i'm slowly starting to believe no one cares about making their software future-proof 05:19 PM Aug 6th from web
so i just came to a horrifying conclusion that there doesn't seem to be a simple video editor that doesn't crash after y10k besides Windows Movie Maker. i'm so stunned rn 03:34 PM Aug 6th from web
currently thinking of making a VM with perpetual software on it just for myself :omegalul: 10:14 AM Aug 6th from web
yo waddup 04:25 PM Aug 5th from web
@EricaHart Internet Archive? it's a stupid suggestion i know 03:32 PM Aug 4th from web in reply to EricaHart
(continuation to status 388574) had to specify status ID because the reply button only replies to the user's latest post, not the post you actually reply to. and btw the captcha on butterimages is broken, so just click on "submit" without typing anything 11:17 AM Aug 4th from web
@JohnHorne26 (388533) sorry for the late reply but seems to be a good image hosting site 11:07 AM Aug 4th from web in reply to JohnHorne26

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