Supervisor's Favorites
an owl sits in front of my house and i hear it whistling and another owl is whistling back from a distance
11:48 PM May 24th
from web
i love bitview users. like they think that I dont have a life and friends and the only thing i do is writing the code for the website xdddd
10:40 AM Jul 30th, 2023
from web
I made a new background for my Asexual channel on BitView, I think I prefer it, I'll be adding it to LiiVid too! :D
03:50 PM Jun 28th, 2023
from web
@moonieloonie I think you need 75 subscribers on BitView to be partnered though on LiiVid, it doesn't matter. xD
02:47 PM Jun 28th, 2023
from web
in reply to moonieloonie
And there goes BitView... eh, it will come back eventually.
10:20 PM Jun 27th, 2023
from web
dawg why do british bands produce probably one of the best music ever
10:19 PM Jun 21st, 2023
from web
And I also love BitView's new rainbow logo, a nice way to celebrate Pride month and their LGBTQ+ members! :)
03:13 PM Jun 7th, 2023
from web
A match on @BlipsBowling will be soon out on March 24th. Stay tuned.
12:27 PM Mar 20th, 2023
from web
Austiblox's "general" chat on their server suddenly became a court trial.
10:57 PM Dec 22nd, 2022
from web
@supervisor learn c++ first, its the simpliest out of the 3.
12:50 AM Dec 19th, 2022
from web
in reply to supervisor