


Tired. 02:25 AM Sep 11th from web
Oh yeah, forgot to mention I blacked out twice on the bus ride home. 01:41 AM Sep 11th from web
I feel so very sorry for the Sony fanbase, dang. XD 10:59 PM Sep 10th from web
Guess im right about the PS5 Pro, holy shit. XD 10:46 PM Sep 10th from web
Time to get this day done and over with. 11:58 AM Sep 10th from web
Another day, another meh. Time to get into action. 10:12 AM Sep 10th from web
God im so tired... 10:31 PM Sep 9th from web
Another week, another day. 11:55 AM Sep 9th from web
Sleep time! Night. 06:57 AM Sep 9th from web

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